Our Workers’ Compensation Focus
If you have been hurt in an on-the-job accident, injured due to a work-related repetitive trauma or an illness contracted on the job, it is important that you speak with an attorney with experience in the workers’ compensation field. Eric M. Nass offers his clients the representation they need to navigate the challenges of their workers’ compensation claims.
Don’t Jeopardize Your Case
Workers’ compensation is a complex area of the law with many requirements on the injured worker to successfully navigate the system. Without qualified representation, much more often than not, an injured worker will lose significant monetary benefits. In addition, the unrepresented injured worker will struggle to get authorization for the medical treatment they require. Let Eric M. Nass be your attorney that assists you in maximizing all of your benefits.
Eric Nass has over 25 years of experience representing thousands of injured or ill workers. At Eric M. Nass, Attorney at Law, PLLC, you will be represented from onset to resolution by an attorney who prides himself on being readily available for all your questions or needs.
Get The Guidance You Need
If you suffered a workplace injury, do not potentially leave money on the table by assuming you will automatically get the fair and full compensation you deserve for your injuries. Instead, call Eric Nass at 212-300-9880 or email to schedule your free consultation.